Magnolia Court Hotel
A Spectacular Blend of Old and New
101 Powlett Street, East Melbourne
In Progress
After the tumultuous events in the past two years – the impact of unforeseen circumstances has led to the selling of Powlett Street’s beloved Magnolia Court Boutique Hotel. With a footprint of 920 square metres of land and designed by Cera Stribley - the former 26 bedroom hotel is set to be extended and rejuvenated for a new chapter for the heritage site and East Melbourne.
Magnolia Court began as a finishing school in 1861 before undergoing several changes which eventuated into a hotel establishment. The shift in narrative and development catalysed an addition of a three storey rectangular block occupying the south of the building site while leaving the heritage terrace front visible on the street level. The dwelling provided an opportunity for refurbishment and replacement of spatial configu-ration within the future hotel.
Existing Conditions
Aside from the heritage building in which the façade is retained – the majority of the development occurs within the crude addition and the west of the building site. While the entire shell of the addition is com-pletely stripped back and replaced – the principle of interior programming is retained and renewed. A ma-sonry wall in varying shades of charcoal fronts the newly established facade made of two opposing arch openings – a contemporary homage to the Victorian and Art Deco facades found on the neighbouring build-ings. Either side retains the brilliant white to match the former building, all while perked up with newly in-stalled windows.
“The character and personality of Magnolia Court is incomparable, we hope to breathe some life into the hotel and restore it to its full potential.”
Robert Brij - Chairman of Primeland
Rear Addition
Materiality & Landscaping
To make space for the proposed extra 15-20 rooms – an additional volume is added to the western rear of the site for better integration between the former and original building. Added with a new glass shell that holds the former corridor, the small change seamlessly melds the contemporary and the Victorian terrace front that is dressed in new shades of white, purple bronze and black. The vision captures a visual timeline progression development of Magnolia Court from Powlett Street.
Aside from the external refreshment – the existing building’s internal walls are gutted to be readapted into a two-storey restaurant catered for 90 patrons. With the front area being opened with a lush forecourt – it is an anticipated welcoming change in atmosphere for the former hotel.